Smart ultra flat radial fan of SEPA EUROPE!

next systems longstanding partner SEPA EUROPE has developed a powerful active cooler specially for compact designs.

It is as small as a matchbox and has a thermal resistance of a mere 2.5 K/W. The ultra-flat radial fan can be combined with varying heat sinks for customized solutions. Chip cooling with the aid of heat sinks usually requires a lot of space and is not only heavy but also expensive. The specialists at SEPA EUROPE have developed a chip cooler with minimum space requirements for compact designs.

The core component of the compact cooler is the ultra-flat blower HY40H that is combined with a Kühligel® of pure aluminium. The special feature of the new cooling solution is its variability which means that the size and shape of the heat sink can be freely chosen. Users can thus assemble the cooler to optimally fulfil their requirements.

With a thermal resistance of a mere 2.5 K/W, the new chip cooler withstands a power dissipation of up to 15 W and in doing so guarantees the operational safety of the entire embedded system. The blower is equipped with the highly durable Magfix® sleeve bearing and has an impressive service life expectancy of von 210 000 h (MTBF) at 40 °C. Thanks to the PWM input combined with the tacho output the speed can be both controlled and monitored.

The lightweight compact cooling unit is easy to attach using the double-sided adhesive thermal conductive foil TCT or the thermally conductive two-component adhesive HERNON 746. Both are available from SEPA EUROPE’s wide product range.

If you want more information, please contact the next system motors & drives specialists at .

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